The bittersweet beginning.

This is a hard post to write.  I sit here quietly, thinking. My standard life as I knew it is about to disappear.  True the real change will be in a couple of weeks, but for me it feels like it has started.  I am leaving my brothers in the motorhome for Florida.  True, I have lived in the motorhome for a couple of months, but I had a base. A solid piece of land I was on.  Now I am leaving. I don’t know when, or really IF I will ever be back.  I have around two weeks of driving, visiting family and friends. Then I end up in Florida for my first look at my new world.  My boat.  Depending on how much I have to do to it. I will soon be on the big ocean’s starting my voyage around the world.  My plans change often, currently I am looking at sailing the Caribbean, then around Argentina and the Pacific, Hawaii and finally Thailand.  Basing out of Thailand I can travel and see so many places.  How long? Where will I go?  These are questions I have no answer to. I am truly a vagabond.  No longer a normal person living in a house, I am a traveler. A new life. A new Adventure.  It is a bittersweet goodbye to al I know,, and an excited anticipation to what will be. Am I afraid, not really. I have a lot of trepidation, there is a LOT I don’t know. But I do know I can handle it, figure it out and learn. Off I go, through the door that may have no return.

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